Check out the new Make ’em Move teaser!
A multidisciplinary show, Make ’em Move combines the music of Andy Emler MegaOctet with the Hip-hop dance of Léa Cazauran’s Compagnie Lady Rocks. 18 artists on stage from the multitude […]
Column by Xavier Prévost on the latest jazz news

IN FRENCH ONLY La veille de l’enregistrement, en août 2021, les spectateurs du festival Jazz Campus en Clunisois avaient eu la primeur de quelques extraits de ce nouveau programme. Et […]
Review: No rush, says Andy Emler by Jean-Claude Vantroyen, Le Soir, Belgium

Andy Emler, pianist, is the leader of the MegaOctet, a mini big band of nine musicians, and not the least, since there is our Laurent Blondiau on the trumpet, Guillaume […]
No Rush, album of the week in the evening in Belgium

Andy Emler, « No Rush ! » **** Andy Emler took his time during confinement, listening to 20th century composers, such as Schönberg, Ligeti, Lutoslawski, Ohana, etc. Result of this […]
NO Rush ! in Audioreview 450 in Italie by Piercarlo Poggio